We represent Meiser, who is the largest manufacturer in Europe of gratings, steps, fibre gratings and planks. Therefore, we offer the widest program on the market, guaranteeing high quality. In addition to this, we guarantee to give a high level of expert advice and we offer efficient processing of each project.
Steps and planks
We represent Meiser, who is the largest manufacturer in Europe of steps and planks as well as gratings and fibre gratings. We offer a wide program within steps and planks with great importance attached to quality, sustainability and safety. Please also look at our program of stocked products, the well-known FORMSTEP steps and planks, which we are capable of delivering from day to day.
Fibre gratings
We represent Meiser, who is the largest manufacturer in Europe of fibre gratings, which have been developed especially for the industrial and public sectors.
We offer a wide range of fibre gratings, both in standard formats, but also in special executions with high focus on the requirements for safety and corrosion resistance.
We represent Binder Parametric Metal, which has more than 20 years of experience in producing 3D facade and interior panels in all steel and metal qualities. We can therefore offer a high standard in quality, advice and delivery when 3D effect must make the difference!
Expanded metal
We represent The Expanded Metal Co. and the affiliated company Sorst Streckmetall, and together the two constitute the largest manufacturer in Europe of expanded metal. We also represent Technotron Metal in the Czech Republic, who are specialists in expanded metal solutions for facades. Therefore, we can offer a very high standard of quality, advice and delivery, whether you require products from our program of stocked goods or you require a special execution.
Perforated sheets
We represent the DF Group, which is one of the largest manufacturers in Europe of perforated sheets. The DF Group consists of DF Dillinger Fabrik, Perfox, Preziehs, DF Bulgaria as well as DE Edelstahl Verarbeitung. We offer perforated sheets and complex blanks of high quality. We also offer advisory service within selection of materials and we provide safe delivery to your company.
Welded nets
We work with the leading manufacturers in Europe of welded nets as well as other types of wire netting. We offer fast delivery, since our manufacturers keep in stock most types of nets in standard dimensions and sizes. We are also pleased to offer the welded nets in a special execution, should you require so, – and naturally, we will be ready to offer the best service and advice.
Drainage channels
On the Danish market, we represent the company Richard Brink, who is one of the leading manufacturers in Europe of drainage channels. In our range of products, we call the drainage channel “Zink Stabil”. Richard Brink also manufactures other products for the building and construction industry, for example gratings for entrances, joint drainage, raised beds, etc.
Please contact us for further information about these products.
Other Products
In terms of other products (wires, filters and chromium steel), Semitech also works with the building and industry sectors, when it comes to wire, filters, stainless steel sheets and plates as well as band. On the Danish market, we represent the largest manufacturer in Europe, Conflandey Industries in France, within wires and knit wire products in relation to filters. Please see our brief presentation of these three product areas or contact us for further information or data sheets.

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