Company profile
Semitech A/S was established in 1994 and is 100% family-owned. We sell quality products to the industrial sector, to the building and construction sector as well as to the offshore sector. Our head office is based in Korsør with 2,000 m2 of warehouse and office facilities. During the past 20 years, the Company has experienced a positive development and today, we can offer a strong and broad program within gratings, steps and planks, fibre gratings, expanded metal, perforated sheets, welded nets, filters and wire.
Our strengths
Since we represent some of the largest suppliers in Europe, we can guarantee a very high standard, when it comes to quality, efficient manufacturing and economical solutions.
In addition to this, we have a strong team of employees, who are highly skilled and trained to offer advice and to give the very best service.
We want to be innovative and to find the best solution for your next project. In a world of fast development, Semitech wants to be up front within our product groups – for the benefit of our customers.
We wish for our customers to think of us as a reliable supplier doing our utmost by keeping a high level of information throughout the process – from order to delivery – to secure optimum service and knowledge to our customers.
Values and visions
With our values, Semitech A/S wish to set the parameters for giving priority to the development of the Company on the one hand – and on the other still safeguarding the well-being of our employees, securing their job satisfaction and giving them an identity, characterized by solidarity with the Company. We understand our customers and we envisage their requirements, and all the time we seek to create additional value for the individual customer.
It is our vision to be the preferred supplier to the industry, to the building industry and to the offshore sector and thus become a ”part of the solution”.
Also watch our Semitech presentation video on our youtube chanal:

repræsenterer nogle af Europas og verdens største producenter på det skandinaviske marked.
Det sikrer, at vores kunder får den bedste pris, kvalitet og levering til tiden.
Vores mangeårige viden og erfaring er til rådighed for dig og din virksomhed.
Vores medarbejdere er veluddannede omkring vores produktsortiment og står altid til rådighed
for yderligere oplysninger.